Bhakoot controls the mind. In match making, Bhakoot suggests the pair’s compability of achieving good health, mutual understanding, happiness, longevity and prosperity to live a happy life together.Rashis are controlled by chandra, they affect the love and romance aspect of the marriage. Bhakoot Dosha affects chances of fertility, pregnanacy, cause trouble in conceiving and delay in having children. Let us see, how Bhakoot Dosha can affect a married life.
I. Ashtakoot Milan System for Matching
In north India, Ashtakoot Milan system is widely used for matching the horoscopes of the boy and the girl, intending to marry, so as to find out compatability between them for a successful marital life. It is a simple system, easy to apply and easy to comprehend because the compatability is worked out in exact number or a score. The following eight factors are considered and their weightage is in increasing order as can be seen from the number of Gunas alloted to them :